Mission Impossible

This is a very short story with the happiest possible ending for all mankind. It’s actually a story that began long ago and is still being lived, breathed and told. It’s a living story and we all have a part to play. 

All eternity holds its breath as each individual living on earth makes the choice to embrace the impossible. Our breaths are all numbered by Him who breathed life into us at the very beginning. Our beginning. 

The ending is up to us. Do we embrace what the Angel told Mary? That she being a virgin would conceive a Son that would bear the sin of us all. You see, we all fall short. Every single one of us. 

But God worked a miracle. And that miracle is you. If you are here, living, breathing on this earth it’s because God wanted you here. And now it’s Christmas once again. Christ came and continues to come. Continues to beckon us to joy. 

It’s Christmas every single day until we breathe our last. I am acquainted with death, in fact I’m far too familiar with it. But I’m also very acquainted with life, and that’s the most important part. 

Death is a mystery. No one gets out alive. But the Good News is still Good News indeed. The angel that came to the Shepherds on that cold hillside long ago is still giving us “Good Tidings of Great Joy,” and I love that the angel said which shall be to “all” people not some people. 

For as many as received Him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name. John 1:12 

This means you. Life is hard. Sometimes life is just about impossible. We get lost. We fail. We get back up again and again. And like I always say: 

Where there’s breath, there’s hope. 

To embrace the impossible, we have to embrace the impossible God. He loves you friends. He wants to meet you exactly where you are this Christmas morning. Thats my message of love today. 

Merry Christmas from my humble Prayer Closet, blessings and peace, Lori. 

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